Video Quality Databases
UnB 360-degree Video Database
UnB Audio-Visual Databases
UnB 3D Quality
Subjective Scores
Test Sequences:
Silva, A. R. E. ; Max E. Vizcarra Melgar ; Farias, Mylene. A no-reference stereoscopic quality metric. In: Three-Dimensional Image Processing, Measurement (3DIPM), and Applications, 2015, San Francisco. SPIE/IST Three-Dimensional Image Processing, Measurement (3DIPM), and Applications, 2015. v. 9393.
Varium Database
UCSB Database
Experimento 07
Experimento 10
Instructions to Download AMAZON Databases
Open Chrome
Check developer mode checkbox in the extensions page on Chrome (chrome:extensions/)
Download the extension Amazon Decrypter.crx crx file
Drag'n Drop de crx file to extensions page and accept the install.
Visit one of our amazon shared folders and click on the extension icon to show the links.
Use any download manager to download all the files without amazon restriction.
Attention: Under Construction! If you need scores or a better description of the experiments, please send me an email and I will more than happy to help!