Adolfo Bauchspiess

Prof. Adolfo Bauchspiess

Bem-Vindo!   Welcome!

Adolfo Bauchspiess graduated and got a master's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Brasília (UnB)-Brazil (1986, 1990) and a Dr.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering from the Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg/Germany (1995). He spent a sabbatical year at the Universität Kaiserslautern/Germany (2005-2006) and six months in 2014 at the University of California, Santa Barbara/USA. He is currently Associate Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Brasília and member of the LARA - Automation and Robotics Laboratory/UnB. He was the general coordinator of IX SBAI - Brazilian Symposium on Intelligent Automation, held in Brasilia in 2009. His main expertise is intelligent systems (machine learning), energy saving in building automation, identification of dynamic systems, and computer vision. From 2015 to 2017 he was the coordinator of the Mechatronics Engineering (Control and Automation Eng.). From 2017 to 2018 he served as a Superior Council member of the Brazilian Automation Society (SBA). Sabbatical Leave at ITIV-KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, Prof. J. Becker, Jan. 2022 - Mar. 2023.


Laboratório de Automação e Robótica
  adolfobs AT ene unb br

ENE/FT/UnB Sala B1-34/18,

70919-970 Brasília-DF,Brazil

About Lectures Research Papers
Monographs (Grad./M.Sc./Ph.D.)

C.V. Lattes
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Research Gate

Oferta Disciplinas 2024.1

- ENE0077 - Controle de Sistemas Dinâmicos - Qua-Sex 8:00-19:00
- ENE0260 - Identificação de Sistemas Dinâmicos Ter-Qui 16:00-17:50

 Temas de TG/TCC no 2024.1

1) Redes de Sensores ESP32 WiFi CSI para ambientes de automação automação predial. Aquisição de CSI em tempo real.
2) Iluminação "Human Centric Lighting". Detectar a localização de usuários por zonas de iluminação.
3) Eficiência energética predial HVAC/Iluminação por ocupação (Crowd-Counting).

Recent Talks / Research Interests


Last Updated: Brasília, 23Dec2020