Image Processing 2017.1

Prof. Mylène Christine Queiroz de Farias, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Sistemas Eletrônicos e de Automação– Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática– Departamento de Ciência da Computação

  • Contents:

    • Introduction,

    • Digital image fundamentals,

    • Image enhancement in the spatial domain,

    • Image enhancement in the frequency domain,

    • Image restoration,

    • Color image processing,

    • Image compression,

    • Morphological image processing,

    • Image segmentation.

Text Book: Gonzalez, Rafael C. e Woods, Richard E., Digital Image Processing, 3o ed, 2008, Addison Wesley.

Plano de Aulas (in Portuguese)


  • 1st Exam: 20/04 - Thursday at 1pm

  • 2nd Exam: 20/06 - Tuesday at 1pm

  • Project Presentation: 23 and 26/06 at 2pm

  • Deadline for Delivering Project Reports: 29/06 (midnight)

  • Exercises Lists:

    • List 01: Deadline 30/03/2017

    • List 02: Deadline 13/04/2017

    • List 03: Deadline 20/04/2017

    • List 04: Deadline 04/05/2017

Class Notes

Lists of Exercises

Final Projects

  • Rules:

    • Choice of topics should be done until 26/04. A small description of the project must be submitted, with a description of the chosen problem, state of the art, chosen methodology and timeline (up to 2 pages).

    • The project can be done in groups of 2 persons or individually.

    • The project report must be submitted on the 29/06. The report must be written in a scientific paper format. It must contain: a description of the problem, state of the art, chosen methodology, description of the simulations, results, conclusions, and future works.

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